Empower Your Future: Embrace AI’s Transformative Role in the World of Work

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About Course

Empower Your Future: Embrace AI’s Transformative Role in the World of Work is a program or workshop designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving workplace landscape heavily influenced by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

What Will You Learn?

  • By participating in this program, participants will gain the following:
  • Understanding of AI and its impact on jobs: This includes exploring different AI applications, how they are transforming specific tasks and industries, and the potential job displacement and creation associated with AI.
  • Future-proof skill development: Participants will learn about skills that will remain valuable and in demand in the AI era, such as critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and adaptability.
  • Strategies for thriving in the AI-powered workplace: The program will equip participants with strategies for upskilling and reskilling to keep pace with the evolving job market.
  • Building digital literacy: Participants will gain an understanding of AI's potential benefits and limitations, as well as ethical considerations surrounding AI use in the workplace.
  • Actionable insights: Participants will gain practical tools and resources to identify and pursue career paths that leverage their skills and interests in an AI-driven future.

Course Content


  • Video
  • Quiz

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